Will You Be Part of World Childless Week? 

Next week the topics for World Childless Week 2023 will be announced and I can’t wait! I’m already drafting ideas for World Childless Week. I’m determined to submit something, even though I’m not sure what it will be yet. I’m still in the brainstorming stages, and I’m sure the topic announcements next week will help me out! 

I’ve submitted written articles for World Childless Weeks in years gone by, and it’s something I intend to continue if possible. And there are a few reasons why:

  1. It’s good for the community. Sharing our stories tells each other we are not alone. It provides connection and solidarity, something we childless people sorely need. We spend a lot of time feeling alone, misunderstood and excluded. World Childless Week is one of those times when we can be assured of our value and worth. It reminds us we are not alone, and we do not have to face our struggles alone. We have a tribe, and we belong. 
  2. It’s good for society. Our society is not always good at hearing our stories. They don’t always understand what we’re going through or why we’re grieving. They may not even get why we need a Week like this one. World Childless Week is an opportunity to raise the profile of childlessness in the broader community. We can advocate for our needs, press for equity, and extend an invitation to society to join with us. We can include non-childless people in our endeavours—just as we would like society to include us. 
  3. It’s good for us. Many people find it cathartic to tell their story, or part of their story, to a compassionate audience. It can be healing for us. Writing and telling our stories can show us in black and white (or in technicolour, depending on our artistic medium) how far we’ve come and what we have survived. It can give us perspective and gratitude, as well as hope for the future. And it can give us a healthy outlet for the grief we feel: anger, bitterness, anxiety, sorrow and numbness can all be expressed in a safe way. 

It can give us a healthy outlet for the grief we feel.

You can probably think of more reasons to contribute to World Childless Week. Whatever your reasons, I encourage you to get thinking—and get creative with it. In past years, we’ve had poetry, prose, videos, interviews, songs, paintings, sculptures, photography, drawings and art installations of amazing varieties. Anything is possible. 

If you have been thinking of contributing to World Childless Week one of these days, can I encourage you to consider that this year may be your year? We need your story, your artistic expression, your honest and raw emotion. We need the unique voice that only you can bring. Your story matters. 

We, your tribe, need you. 

Have you ever contributed to World Childless Week before? If not, are you thinking of creating a piece for this year? What ideas do you have so far? Share your childless story. Let’s have a countercultural conversation. 

2 thoughts on “Will You Be Part of World Childless Week? 

  1. Hi. My wife and i are the parents of a truly wonderful and brave daughter Kimberley and her husband Stewart who are Childless (CNBC) and will never be able to have children. I just wanted to tell childless couples all over the world you have my love support and respect that you have the strength to lift yourselves up and live your best lives. Keep making memories together. ❤️

    • Hello Mark, thank you so much for sharing about your daughter and son-in-law and their CNBC journey. It is a difficult thing indeed, living with childlessness, and you and your wife must have witnessed some of the struggles endured by your daughter and her husband. I am glad they have you to support them. By the way, are your daughter and her husband aware of World Childless Week starting tomorrow? Thanks for your encouraging message to childless people everywhere!

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