I was recently interviewed by Fixing Her Eyes* and they asked me a difficult question: What would I want to tell the next generation of Christian women? What would I want them to know?
I believe this worthy question warrants more than the couple of paragraphs I originally wrote. So here goes.
To Christian women everywhere, especially the next generation: you are seen. You are valued. You matter.
To those living in obscurity, hidden by secrecy and lies: you matter.
To those who doubt themselves, doubt their calling, doubt their value: you matter.
To those who doubt themselves: you matter.
To those who have been told, and who believe, that women can only serve God in domestic roles, and cannot teach or preach: you matter.
To those silenced by abuses of power, by sexual abuse, by manipulation and gaslighting: you matter.
To the young, those who have hopes and dreams for the future, those who have already been disappointed: you matter.
To those who once felt the joy of God in their hearts, but who have been worn down and disillusioned by the problems in the Church: you matter.
To those who have been told, again and again, that they cannot do what God is calling them to do, that they are an enemy of God, that they are harming the church: you matter.
To the troublemakers, those who stir the pot, who confront and challenge, who will never be content with the status quo: you matter.
To the troublemakers, who will never be content with the status quo: you matter.
To those who suffer illness and have not been healed, who feel useless and unproductive: you matter.
To those who never married, those happy and content in singledom, those unhappy and frustrated with the single lifestyle, those who wonder what is wrong with them: you matter.
To those without children, who wanted a larger family and never received it: you matter.
To women of colour, those with Aboriginal heritage, those who were removed from their parents, those whose cultural and spiritual identity has been stolen: you matter.
To those on the frontlines, working with the most vulnerable people in society, who have seen too much and know too much: you matter.
To those with artistic abilities who are honing their craft, shaping stories and ideas into paintings and words and music and dance, finding new and creative ways to put God’s glory on display: you matter.
To those with artistic abilities who are finding new and creative ways to put God’s glory on display: you matter.
To those unsure of their spiritual calling, still discovering what God wants them to do: you matter.
To those with clarity, who know exactly what God is asking them to do: you matter.
You can do whatever God is asking you to do. It might take courage. It might take daring. It might take every ounce of strength you have. It might make you unpopular, hated even, if you choose to obey God. But he is calling us, you and me, to obedience. He is inviting us to a life of service and adventure.
You can who whatever God is asking you to do. He is calling us, you and me, to obedience.
Does your obedience matter? Of course it does. Every single one of you matters. You matter to me, and you matter to God.
And the God who works in secret, who gently softens hearts and moves continents over the course of a lifetime, knows you. He knows what you have been through. He knows the secrets and dreams and terrors you carry in your heart. He cares about you.
And he is inviting you today to join in his work.
What will you do with the days and passions gifted to you? How will you spend your life for God? How can you make your mark, leave a legacy that will endure long after you are gone? Share your story. Let’s have a countercultural conversation.
*Full interview here: https://www.fixinghereyes.org/single-post/5-minutes-with-steph
Absolutely true Steph. Beautifully worded. Profound truth. Keep telling it to a world that needs to hear it.
Thanks Val, I think we all need to hear this right now! Keep calm and keep following God – wherever he may lead!