There’s a lot of prayer involved in writing.
I pray when I write. It is my prayer that God will use my words, my turns of phrase, to reach people who need to hear from him.
Sometimes, when I write, I sense the Holy Spirit nudging me, prompting me to use certain language around the issue I am writing about. Sometimes it’s a certain word or a rephrasing that is needed. I usually don’t know why. But I try to follow those ‘nudges’ as much as possible.
I try to follow those ‘nudges’ as much as possible.
Sometimes I go to cut some words out, and I sense God whispering, ‘No Steph—leave it in.’ And I do just that, trusting God will use those words to speak to someone in a very particular way.
I pray about the books I publish, like my newest book, Surviving Childlessness. I constantly pray God will take the book—his message—to those who need to hear it. Because everything I write is from him and for him. My books are his. And every time I post my book to someone, I pray they will get what they need from my words.
I pray for every single one of my readers, both those I know and those of whom I am unaware. I pray that God will minister to each one of you, that his presence will be near you as you read, that you will know the compassion and companionship of God.
I pray that God will minister to each one of you.
I pray for every blog I write. I ask God to bless each blog in its own way. I pray God will use the blog to reach and minister to people who need it.
I pray for all my social media posts. Yes, even the ones filled with cat photos and pics of gooey chocolate. I pray God uses each and every one to touch people in the way they need it. And sometimes, what we need is laughter, and warm fuzzies, and reminders of self-care.
I pray over each song I write, especially the ones that get published. I pray that God uses each song to speak to people, to bring healing and wholeness and conviction and wellbeing to those who need it.
Even as I sit here and write, part of me is silently praying, quietly listening for the whisper of the Spirit, waiting for his guidance and affirmation of my writing. I write, having no idea of who will read my writing, without having a clue of who needs to hear this.
Writing is an act of faith.
Writing is an act of faith.
Whenever I write, I write for God, and I also write for you. I publish my words, not for money or notoriety, but in simple trust that God likes my writing and will use it (or not) as he sees fit. That’s writing by faith.
It is my prayer that God will meet with you today.
Do you sense God’s presence as you write or create your art? Does God meet with you when you are reading what others have written? What does it mean to you, knowing writers are praying for you? Share your story. Let’s have a countercultural conversation.