With only a month until the Omega Christian Writer’s Conference, the excitement and anticipation is quickening. Our lives are so busy and there are so many demands on our time that taking three days out to talk about writing can seem like a countercultural luxury. This year, the conference is located interstate for me, so […]
Counter-cultural challenges to the modern church and to society in general
From time to time, I get asked about writing and songwriting. People want to know how I keep coming up with ideas for blogs, songs and books in a series. Sometimes I wonder where all the ideas come from and if I will ever run out. Every writer is different. They may source their inspiration […]
To My Friends With Children
You may not believe this. I have friends who are parents. Here I am, a childless thirty-something, friends with other people who have children. It’s true. But how can this happen, I hear you ask? Don’t childless people get put off by parents and vice versa? Not all of us. Some of us are very […]
By Design
A preacher once said to me, “If you are planted in the right environment, you will flourish.” He was speaking metaphorically, of course, comparing our lives with those of trees. The preacher suggested that different types of trees require different environments, different soils, different exposure to light and so on, in order to grow into […]
God’s Problem
Recently I was talking with a friend about facing challenges in life. We were discussing how hard it can be to ask God for the things we need. My friend had a unique take on the matter. “If God has asked me to do something,” she stated matter-of-factly, “then He needs to provide the means […]
When God Provides
“I waited and waited and waited for God. At last He looked; finally He listened. He lifted me out of the ditch, Pulled me from deep mud. He stood me up on a solid rock To make sure I wouldn’t slip. He taught me how to sing the latest God-song, A praise-song to our God.” […]
Free-falling faith
I recently resigned from my job. That’s right, chucked it in, without having another job to go to. I have resigned without the safety net of knowing where I am going next. This was not my plan. The plan was to find the next job, line it up neatly, then resign. I like my […]
Ever been told you are too much? If you’re anything like me, you have been told most of your life that you are too much. Too bossy, too opinionated, too nice. Too assertive, too passive, too spiritual. Most of us have been told to cool it or reign it in, and the underlying message […]
Humility vs. Ego
Was Jesus egotistical? A friend and I were discussing this recently in the context of egotism in the church. It seems that when we speak our minds, particularly in a church or ministry context, we are often accused of being “egotistical”. I find this very interesting. Let us consider for a moment what it means […]
Jump off the Treadmill
“The internal voice that tells me to hustle can find a to-do list in my living room as easily as it can in an office. . . The hustle will never make you feel the way you want to feel. In that way, it’s a drug, and I fall for the initial rush every time: […]