To the ‘Other’ Fathers

This is an ode

To the atypical fathers

Who didn’t—couldn’t—have

The biological children they wanted.

Here’s to the adoptive fathers,

The foster fathers, the step-fathers,

The sponsor fathers.

Here’s to the fathers

Of neighbourhood children,

Of close family friends’ kids,

Of sports teams,

Boy scouts and girl guides.

Here’s to the surrogate fathers,

The ones who might otherwise

Be called ‘uncle’ or ‘brother’

But who fill that father-shaped void

In a little person’s life.

Here’s to the godfathers,

The mentors,

The teachers,

The Big Brothers,

The Pyjama Angels.

Here’s to the furfathers,

The featherfathers, the scalyfathers,

Who spend the better part of their lives

In the care of animals.

Here’s to the spiritual fathers,

Who pray and guide

And encourage young faith to grow

Until it is fully mature.

Here’s to the invisible ones,

Doing the work of fathering,

Without any acknowledgement

Or status from society.

And here’s to the One

Who fathers all of us

And sees everything you do.

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