I’m Not a ‘Career Woman’

‘How come you’re still single?’ probed my not-so-subtle colleague. ‘You must be one of those career women!’ Groan. If I had a proverbial dollar for every time someone assumed I’m a ‘career woman’…I’d be at least one dollar richer. Seriously, what’s with the assumption that single women are career women by default? Aren’t we allowed […]

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Praying Through Infertility—Faith Renovations

‘When we start from the foundation of knowing we are loved, rather than demolishing our faith, times of pain can lead to faith renovations…’ – ‘A Firm Foundation’, Katherine Gantlett, from Praying Through Infertility. This quote for me sums up the entire message and tone of Praying Through Infertility, the 90-day devotional for men and women struggling […]

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The Pressure to Marry (and Become an Instant Baby-Making Machine) 

‘So, when are you guys gonna have kids?’ My friend’s question hit me square between the eyes. To say I was surprised would have been an understatement. I was freshly engaged, not yet married. Was it normal to be pestered by baby-related questions the minute one got engaged?  Unfortunately, I am not alone in my […]

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Praying Through Infertility: On A Personal Note

A new devotional for people facing infertility was recently released in Australia. Praying Through Infertility is an up-close-and-personal look at the rollercoaster of infertility and childlessness, and it offers encouragement, comfort, scripture and prayer for those who are struggling.  On a more personal note, I want to share why contributing to this book has meant so much […]

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