Have you ever worshiped God in the midst of tragedy? Or while you’re sick? Or in the throes of anxiety? Or in the middle of a pandemic? If so, you understand the cost of worship. You have paid the price of putting your own genuine needs aside in order to serve others. You know what […]
Why I Write About Childlessness
I relate to the boy with the loaves and fish. In John 6, Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand people by taking an anonymous boy’s food, five loaves of bread and two fish, and handing it out. Not only was everyone satisfied, they had twelve baskets full of leftovers. I feel like that as […]
How I’m Dealing with Health Setbacks (or Not)
I recently broke my shoulder. And it was a clever break too, in a part of the shoulder that apparently gets broken only one percent of the time. I slipped on a wet floor and landed with all my weight on my shoulder. Simple as that. And you can bet your arm it was elegant. […]
Pacing my Illness
‘OK, I need you to do these five tests, and I’m referring you to another specialist,’ declared my GP. I winced. I already had a full week planned. Where was I going to find the time for all these tests? ‘I need a PA!’ I replied half-jokingly. But in my mind, I was overwhelmed. How […]