Happy Mother’s Day

To those who have never borne children
But have carried a life inside them,
Growing, growing,
Only to have it snatched away
Before its time.

To those who have never known
The sensation
Of carrying another
But who wanted it,
Wished for it,
Planned for it,
Grieved for it.

To those who have loved children,
Adoptive children,
Foster children,
Surrogate children,
Sponsor children,
Nephews and nieces,
And furbabies.

To those who bear legacies,
Who birth books and blogs,
Songs and dances,
Business ideas and projects,
Missions and churches and disciples,
And then give them away.

To those who bear sorrow,
Who love,
And give,
And weep,
And pray,
And pour out their lives;
Who mentor others,
Who care for others,
Who bless others
Through lives well-lived;
We see you.

We see the mothering you have done.
We celebrate you.
You have mothered,
And you have been a mother.

Happy Mother’s Day.

4 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Beautifully written. Tears flow for all of you so captured. I’ve been so blessed to have borne children.
    I also grieve for those without mothers. Some who have passed. Some who have cut off ties. Some who can’t connect. Be joyful those of you who can celebrate with their mothers this Sunday.

    • Suz, you are right, your children are a blessing. And mothers are too. Mother’s Day definitely brings up the losses of our own mothers. Thank you for acknowledging those without mothers, and those without motherhood.

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