Gifts and Graces: A Tale of A Book Signing

I walk into the bookstore, arms wrapped around my box of books. (I always bring spare books to book signings just in case. Call it professional paranoia.) I spot a table set up for me and my author friend who will be joining me. Unhurriedly I set up my paraphernalia and relax on a chair behind the table. My author friend arrives and we chitchat as she sets herself up. The store manager comes over and makes us feel at home.

A few customers wander into the store. I switch on my best ‘Hello, I’m friendly but I won’t harass you or anything’ smile. Some of them smile back. Some listen politely as my friend and I speechify about our books and hand out business cards. Some want to know more. We move into second gear and waffle happily about our chosen subjects.

One person takes one of my books. I am positively ecstatic. He pays at the counter and brings it back for an autograph. After he leaves, I carefully note his name and the person for whom he bought the book in my little notepad. I pray for them both later.

One person takes one of my books. I am positively ecstatic.

The hours tick by. I have a chatty morning. My friend goes for a wander and while she is gone, a gentleman approaches. We introduce ourselves and he starts telling me about the Holy Spirit, the wonderful Holy Spirit. He says it is the Holy Spirit who tells us the truth about Jesus. He tells me how he loves our amazing Saviour.

As I listen, I can feel his love and the love of the Spirit radiating out from him like perfume. It is almost tangible. I pay attention to every word. After several minutes he moves on, and I sit in a state of wonder. My friend returns and I say, ‘Guess what? I’ve just had the most incredible conversation!’ I tell her and she says, ‘How wonderful for God to give you a fresh infilling today!’

A young fellow approaches our table and tells us his story. He experienced a lot of trauma when he was younger, but God has turned his life around. As he shares his testimony, my friend and I are in awe—not just of this young fellow, but of our God who has poured his grace into this man’s life, as he has for all of us.

My friend and I are in awe…of our God who has poured his grace into this man’s life.

Morning turns into afternoon and the store gets busier. We discuss all sorts of interesting topics with customers, from sex to politics to childlessness to faith to writing to fantasy to end times to redemption. A mutual writer friend turns up and surprises us both! It’s soon time to wrap up, but I have only sold one book and would like to sell a few more if possible. (Not that it’s about sales—today’s signing has been about conversations—but sales help me justify the event.)

I mutter a quick prayer: ‘God, I’d love to sell one more book. Just one more, God?’ No sooner are the words out of my mouth when—I swear this really happened—a lady approaches my table and picks up my book. I praise God, jotting down the name of the lady in my notebook.

As we pack up, my friend and I review the many gifts we’ve received: book sales, conversations with staff, customers’ testimonies, encouraging one another, raising author profiles with the bookstore, planning book events, giving out cards, signing people up to blogs, ambushes by friends, answers to prayers, and countless reminders of the God who pours out grace for us.

We review the many gifts we’ve received: sales, conversations, testimonies, encouragement…and countless reminders of the God who pours out grace for us.

Every time I go to a book signing with the aim of blessing others, I always wind up receiving blessings in return.

Have you been to a book signing as a customer or author? What was your experience? Share your story. Let’s have a countercultural conversation.

**(I am attending another book signing at West Ryde Koorong on Sat 30th Nov, 10am-2pm. I would love to see you there!)**

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