Let’s settle this upfront: There is no substitute for full-cream milk. It tastes better, it froths better, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. In every way, full-cream milk is the most rewarding kind of dairy beverage to have in your life. There are those who opt for the lite version of this luscious liquid. […]
Counter-cultural challenges to the modern church and to society in general
God Chaser
I first heard this song “God Chaser”, by David and Nicole Binion, as a teenager. In the mid-90s, an era of kippers, nightclubbing and emergent R&B music, this song crept onto my radar. I was an eager adolescent at the time, firey about God and passionate about worshipping him. I listened to the lyrics […]
I’ll Share this with the Team
As a counsellor I am, on very rare occasions, gifted with a token of gratitude from a client. Usually it is chocolates, cookies or something similar. When I receive such a gift, my normal response is, “Thank you; I’ll share this with the team.” Not only does my work team appreciate the sharing of edible […]
The Safety Myth
“There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves. I was attacked by my pet cat this week. Not the nice, playful kind of attack, where she waits around the corner to leap out at me and give me mild heart failure. No, I’m […]
Resisting Rest
It’s heartbreaking watching people burn out. I routinely witness friends in the church burn out over and over, especially those in paid ministry. It’s almost as though someone put “Must do everything for everybody until burnout is inevitable” in their job descriptions. There are many factors that can contribute to burnout. Overwork, underwork, unrealistic job […]
No Nest Egg
Our culture today is preoccupied with the nest egg, the little something stashed away for retirement or in case the regular source of income meets with disaster. All of this slips under my radar, until I go and read something countercultural like Matt 25 with the story of the talents. Remember how this one goes? […]
Death to Beige
As I sit here in my local coffee house, watching the steam rise from my jumbo-sized herbal tea and listening to the sounds of 90s rock, I take a moment to observe my surroundings. It dawns on me how much of my life is coloured with beige. The walls here are beige. The furniture is […]
All to Jesus
I’ve been reflecting recently on the nature of Christianity. It seems that the more I mature in Christ, the more my life seems to be about surrender, not figuring it out or getting it right. Becoming simpler and more childlike seems to be a bigger part of living for Christ than does gaining theology or […]
The Trouble with Treasures
“To obey is better than sacrifice, I don’t need your money, I want your life.” – Keith Green, To Obey is Better than Sacrifice Living in the outer suburbs of Sydney, it’s easy for me to get caught up in the preoccupation with money. I’ve never thought of myself as being particularly materialistic, but I […]
Surviving Contentment
Recently I was asked by a young lady, “What do you say to a single person who is struggling to be content with their singleness?” I have several answers to this, but before I share how I did respond, let’s have a closer look at this challenging and complex question. We struggle with contentment. Even […]