‘You have some blood markers for lupus,’ the professor said, ‘and you have some symptoms for lupus, but I don’t feel comfortable diagnosing you with lupus.’ I groaned internally. I was sitting in the specialist’s office, hoping to finally have some answers for the medical circus that lived in my body. I had been living […]
Survival Skills: Laugh
‘I don’t know how you cope with your chronic illness,’ remarked my doctor. ‘You seem to bear it so well.’ I laughed. ‘Maybe I should come in and show you what I’m like on a bad day!’ As good as my doctors are, laughter can be even better medicine. I have a pretty impressive repertoire […]
Why Diagnosis Was a Relief For Me—and When Getting Better is Hard
Being diagnosed with a lifelong condition is a source of grief for many people. But diagnosis was actually a relief for me—and my grief sometimes gets worse when I get better, not just when I get sicker. I am unfortunate enough to be living with an absolute monster of an autoimmune disease commonly known as […]
Stuck in the Middle
If you want a story with a happy ending—or indeed, any kind of ending—you’d better stop reading now. This story, like an unfinished symphony, is incomplete. I am still living this story; I do not know how it ends. All I know is I am currently stuck in the middle of a seemingly endless stretch […]