The Curling Leaf

Amidst a flurry of

Perfect green leaves

Hangs one rogue

Curling back on itself

Like a tongue

As though seeking to savour

The flavour of green.

This leaf does not worry

About what the other leaves will think,

Does not pause to consider

If it is the odd one out,

It simply reaches back

Stretches luxuriously

And rests on its own back.

Nestled inside,

At the heart of the curl,

Sits a tiny spider

In its own retreat from the world.

The spider sighs inside its curled haven,

Gets to its feet,

And works on the wall of web

That shields it from the elements.

Its work complete,

It returns to the womb of the leaf,

And shelters from wind and storm.

The curling leaf and the spider

Protect each other

In a phenomena

Of mutual collaboration.

In unspoken agreement,

They keep each other safe

From the dangers of this life,

And they find rest

In each others’ arms.

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