As I write this final blog for the year, it seems fitting to give thanks for everything that has happened in 2024. Even though 2024 has possibly been one of the worst years of my life.
Chronic illness ran away from me this year. I have been sick almost non stop. I won’t go into the gory details (some of them are a bit gory), but suffice it to say that between surgery, roaring pain, recurrent scans, injections, viruses and doctors, it has been one helluva rollerskating year (in which I fell down repeatedly).
Then, in blessed November, I finally regained my balance. Medication found its mark and I experienced pain relief for virtually the first time all year. I’d nearly given up hope, and it was almost a surprise when the pain subsided. I could breathe freely! I could do the things—very small things, granted, as I am still recovering—but still things! It was a startling kindness from God, and my gratitude cup overflowed.
It was a startling kindness from God, and my gratitude cup overflowed.
But that’s not all. My new book, Surviving Chronic Illness, also arrived in November. In one way, it’s a shame the book went to print before I had a chance of including this years’ ailments and misadventures. But in another, I get to blog about it. So everyone wins. And the arrival of my new book baby gave me rapturous cause for celebration.
Finally, on the last day of November, I had a book signing at Koorong, and it was my best yet! I spoke to a constant stream of people who wandered past my table where I hovered with my author friend, both of us eager to chat. I heard some incredible stories of hardship as well as testimonies of God’s goodness. I wrote some down; I wanted to remember them and pray for them afterwards.
I also sold a record number of books and was relieved to find that my new book was the most popular of the day. It might sound strange to say I felt relieved instead of, say, joyous or ecstatic. But I had been nervous about how the new title would be received by the general public. Would people be interested? Or would it go down like me on roller skates? You can imagine my gratitude to find it had a place after all.
This has been a difficult year for many of us. There have been pressures on all sides: familial, occupational, spiritual, physical, emotional, financial (what is up with the cost of living??) and psychological. Yet here we are. Somehow, we are still breathing. We may not know how we got here (honestly, I had moments I truly thought I couldn’t cope), but we have survived.
I am thankful you are here. I am thankful (most days) I am here. I am thankful for books, Koorong, people in my life, respite from illness, and the hope that 2025 will be a better year. And I am thankful for the grace of God that has met us at every turn, reminding us he is near, and at times, surprising us with the most remarkable kindness.
Have there been moments of relief, kindness or gratitude for you this year? How has God met you in the difficulties you have experienced? What are you hoping for in 2025? Share your story. Let’s have a countercultural conversation.
I’m sorry your health has been so poor this year, but glad there have been some improvements. Nothing like living the story you’re writing about! I enjoyed the earlier draft I read and I know a lot of people will respond to your honesty and vulnerability. I’ve already ordered one for a friend of mine with chronic illness. May you find more relief from the pain and health issues, and may God bless you and your readers abundantly. You’re a treasure!
Thank you Nola, yes I certainly have had my share of lived experience! I really do hope my sharing encourages others, including your friend that you mentioned. May God’s grace meet us there. Thanks for your kind words and prayers!